We woke up by the sound of something falling on the floor in room next door. I instantly though that it was Jacob falling out of his bed. Mr M quickly jumped out of bed and I looked at the camera screen.
- Don't worry - I said
It's just Jacob playing with his toys and throwing them on the floor. I always leave safe toys in his bed, so he can play with them when he wakes up.
Mr M. came back to bed for a morning cuddle and after a while he went to fetch Jacob to give him morning round of hugs and kisses.
Ok I can look after Jacob, change him and start making breakfast while you take a shower. - said Mr M.
It didn't take us long to get ready and eat breakfast. After that Jacob and daddy went to watch match while mummy had time to do proper 2 hours shopping. We went to visit granny and granddad and that's when the endless fun stared....
Uroczy jest, do schrupania;)
ReplyDeleteŚliczny dzieciaczek

a juz tak pieknie bylo po polsku i nie musialam wysilac szarych komorek ha,ha,ha
nie moge sie napatrzec na ten piekny usmiech 
ReplyDeleteHahaha moze i bylo po polsku, ale denerwowalo mnie, ze bez polskich znakow. Dodalam opcje tlumaczenia tekstu na rozne jezyki, ale musze przyznac ze dziecko w przedszkolu przetlumaczylo by to lepiej niz ten automatyczny translator ;)
Deletezgadza sie, ja w ogole z tych translatorow nie korzystam, bo maslo maslane sie robi ;)
Deletefajnie miec babcie tak blisko:))zazdroscimy:)
ReplyDeleteSzkoda, ze mamy tylko jedna babcie tak blisko. Moja mama niestety mieszka disc daleko. Bardzo tesknimy :(