Czas pedzi jak szalony, moje dziecko rosnie jak na drozdzach a ja coraz czasciej zaczynam sie martwic moim powrotem do pracy. Choc tu w Ang...
Christmas presents part 1
I'm already half way through Christmas presents shopping. I still have lots of them to buy and few ideas in my head. I try to observe p...
My little boy is seriously getting some skills in football. He doesn't want to do anything else recently apart from running after ball...

Candles lit bath
Because me and my hubby are working really hard without stopping, my husband prepared a candle lit bath for us. It's nice from time to ...
Santa's grotto!
On Saturday we went to see Santa in his Grotto. There was so many There was so many decorations, Christmas lights and sparkle that JJ didn...

Jacob's teeth started coming through today. It's the fifth one already. He was a bit grumpy this afternoon so I was showing him all ...
Autumn 2012
It's getting colder each day but at least it's not raining. We had a chance to go out and take some autumn photos in the park. Z ...

Cot journeys
I thought I'm not going to write today again, but I could not be more wrong. My boy just started walking around the sides of his cot. He...

This morning we received a massive parcel. Granny and auntie have sent Jacob such a gorgeous things from Poland. JJ has new puzzles, lots of...

Nana's present
We got Nana a massive leather jewellery case for birthday. We are just about to go to her house. Just waiting for daddy to come back from wo...