Since last Thursday I was going through the worst moments of my life. Probably every mother will be able to imagine how I felt. JJ started being really moody and his whole body was red hot apart from his hands and feet. I came back home from visiting my parents in law and realized that JJ had really high temperature. It started with 38.8 and apart from that there were no other symptoms. I took him to see doctor on Friday and his fever reached 39.3 Celsius degrees. The doctor told us that it's a virus and prescribed baby paracetamol. On Saturday JJ started vomiting and on Sunday we noticed little red rash on his back. When we woke up on Monday the rash was all over his back and belly. I immediately though that it could be a meningitis so I was running around the house with a glass trying a glass test on him and calling NHS as well as registering him at the Surgery. Very kind and calm lady on the other side of the phone explained that I was right to call, but thanks Got it's not meningitis and it can be just an allergy. We were suppose to go to see our doctor on Tuesday but when I checked his body, the rash was gone. Ii didn't see the point of going to show the doctor something what was already gone, so I called and cancelled an appointment. I'm so happy that my baby is so much better now, but I'm advising you to call a doctor as soon as possible if your baby have this symptoms. Meningitis is life threatening and can kill within hours. For more information go to this website.
W ostatnich diach przezylam najgorsze chwile w moim zyciu. Wszystko zaczelo sie w czwartek kiedy to wybralismy sie z Kuba w odwiedziny do dziadkow. Kuba zaczal byc bardzo placzliwy i cale jego cialo bylo gorace oprucz stopek i raczek. Po przyjsciu do domu okazalo sie, ze Kuba ma wysoka temperature. Zaczelo sie od 38.8 wiec podalam mu lek na zbicie temperatury, a nastepnego dnia zarejestrowalam do lekarza bo temperatura wzrosla do 39.3 stopni celciusza. Lekarz stwierdzil, ze to tylko jakis wirus i przepisal paracetamol dla dzieci. W sobote Kuba zaczal wymiotowac, a w niedziele zrobil sie nadwyraz placzliwy. Do tego zauwazylismy na jego ciele mala wysypke. W poniedzialek wysypka rozprzestrzenila sie na caly brzuszek i plecki. W pierwszej chwili przyszlo mi do glowy, ze to moze byc zapalenie opon mozgowych, wiec natychmiast przeprowadzilam test szklanki. W Anglii jest to najbardziej znana metoda testowania tego typu wysypek. Zarejtrowalam go wiec do lekarza na wtorek rano, ale do wtorku wysypka prawie zniknela, wiec nie widzialam sensu w zabieraniu dziecka do lekarza, zeby pokazac mu cos, czego juz nie ma. Teraz Kuba czuje sie juz duzo lepiej, ale caly czas bacznie go obserwuje. Jesli jednak ktoras z Was mamuski zauwazy podobne objawy u swojej pociechy, to radze o jak najszybsze skontaktowanie sie z lekarzem, bo zapalenie opon mozgowych to nie przelewki i potrafi zabic w przeciagu dni a nawet i godzin. Wiecej informacji pozecie znalezc wchodac pod ten link
» Meningitis
Thursday, 6 December 2012
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