Thursday, 8 November 2012

Xylophonist - Cymbalista

I got JJ a xylophone because I want to introduce more music into his life. Susan Hallam, Professor of Education at the University of London says: "There is growing evidence that active involvement in music can have positive benefits for children's intellectual and social development." So get your baby toys that play music or can be played like a rattle, baby Xylophone or a drum. You also have to make sure that you play with your children and stimulate them. Dr Andrew Raffles, Paediatrician & Developmental Specialist at Viveka, healthcare specialists for women and children says: "If baby is under stimulated in any aspect of their development - be it physical, or learning skills, then they will be delayed - at least until the stimulation to that sense is restored. This is particularly true with children who are not stimulated physically, through play and gentle handling. They will have a delay in acquiring physical skills, such as balance and fine control of movement."

Kupilam Kubie cymbalki, poniewaz chce wprowadzic w jego zycie troche wiecej muzyki. Susan Hallam,Profwsor Edukacji na Uniwersytecie w Londynie, o ktorej pewnie wielu z was slyszalo mowi: "Istnieje coraz wiecej dowodow na to, ze muzyka wplywa pozytywnie na intelektualny i spoleczny rozwoj dziecka." Kupujmy wiec naszym dzieciom zabawki wygrywajace melodie, lub takie na ktorych moge same zagrac takie jak grzechotki, cymbalki lub bebenek. 

 He got bored and started chasing the ball.

Szybko znudzil sie graniem na cymbalkach i zaczal ganiac za pilka.


  1. my mamy sporo zabawek tego typu - istne szalenstwo dla zmeczonych po pracy rodzicow ;) ha,ha,ha...

    1. Hehe ja jeszcze jestem na urlopie macierzynskim, wiec caly dzien musze tego wysluchiwac :)

  2. I just barely got Walker a xylophone and he is loving it!!

    1. Kids just love to make as much noise as possible

  3. thanks for the follow! Jacob is a doll! :)
