Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Cot journeys

I thought I'm not going to write today again, but I could not be more wrong. My boy just started walking around the sides of his cot. He got to the point where he had to kick his teddy out of his way, because he was sitting in the corner. He got to a perfect spot to grab his nappy cake. He was walking so much that he lost his trousers. Hilarious! There are some phone pics.

Myslalam, ze juz dziasiaj nie bede pisac, ale stalo sie cos niespodziewanego. Moje malenstwo zaczelo lazikowac wokol krawedzi lozeczka. Wykopal misia ktory siedzial w rogu lozeczka i zaczal siegac po pieluszkowy torcik. Tak sie nalazikowal, ze po drodze gatki stracil, bo sobie je przydeptywal. Ale sie usmialam :) A to zdjecia z mojego telefonu.

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