Thursday, 29 November 2012

Christmas presents part 1

I'm already half way through Christmas presents shopping. I still have lots of them to buy and  few ideas in my head. I try to observe people all year round to make it easier to know what to bye. For example my mum's blush brush is really old and worn out, so I got a new soft Dior brush for her and set of Olay creams, because that's the ones she uses. I'm sure she will love her present. What do you guys think about them?

Jestem na polmetku prezentowego szalu. Mam jednak kilka pomyslow w glowie co do tego co komu kupic. Zwykle staram sie obserwowac najblizszych caly rok i zapamietac to co im sie podoba, lub co chcieli by sami sobie kupic. Podpatruje jakie kremy uzywa moja mama, lub jakie upodobania ma babcia. Takie prezenty sa zawsze najbardziej trafione. Na przyklad zauwazylam, ze pedzel do makijazu mojej mamy jest juz stary i zuzyty, wiec pod choinke dostanie nowy i jestem pewna, ze bedzie sie bardzo z niego cieszyc. Co sadzicie o tych prezentach? 

You can find Dior brush here and creams here. Both products are on offer right now. 

That's for my dad and you can find it here

For my niece and nephew I got digital cameras. One is in the shape of carriage and the other in the shape of F1 car. They are so cool and you can find them from Avon for £9.99 each

Little outfit from Next for my other niece. I still have to buy something else for her.

 Half of the present for my sister

 and something for myself :)


  1. fantastyczne prezenty. ja pomysły mam już n podarunek dla każdego. część już kupiona i czeka na 24.12 :)
