Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Activity table

Mummy got her little boy a new toy. She is so surprised how bright her little ducky is and can't imagine how much attention to detail and concentration he is using to play with it. He noticed all little spinning objects and little books. He knows where to press to spin the balls and play a song.
I would definitely recommend it to any parent. We got ours from Fisher Price but I bet other companies are making them as well.

Mamusia kupila swojemu malemu syneczkowi nowa zabawke i sama sie zadziwila jaki jej kaczorek jest madry. Potrafi zauwazyc najmniejszy szczegol i koncentruje sie na zabawie tak bardzo, ze swiata poza nia nie widzi. Zauwazyl wszystkie malutkie przedmioty, obracajace sie ksztalty i male ksiazeczki. Dokladnie wie gdzie nacisnac aby zakrecic pileczkami i zagrac melodie.
Zdecydowanie polecam wszystkim rodzicom. Nasz stoliczek jest z Fisher Price, ale pewnie w innych miejscach mozna kupic podobne.

I couldn't believe in what he did as well. He just knelled in front of it on his own and started playing. He didn't even loose balance. I think it's pretty good for 7 months old baby.

Nie moglam uwierzyc wlasnym oczom, kiedy Kuba jakby nigdy nic ukleknal sobie przed stolikiem i zaczal sie bawic. Wydaje mi sie, ze to duzy postep jak na 7 miesieczne dziecko.


  1. Oh my goodness he is adorable!!

    Love that activity table. So fun!

  2. Thanks for visiting us today, nice to meet you.
    Awww, your little boy is just gorgeous and has very good coordination.

  3. Ale Twój chłopak jest zdolny jak na 7 miesięcy szybko się rozwija.
    Jaki uroczy;)

    1. Wlasnie sie zastanawiam czy faktycznie sie tak szybko rozwija, czy mi sie tylko tak wydaje bo jestem matka. Chyba kazda mama chce miec zdolne dzieci...

  4. thanks for stopping by my blog!

    activity tables are the best,they can keep a little one occupied for a long time :)

    nice blog!

  5. 7 months?! That's SO good! What a little man! I think we're going to have to get one of these for our little lady soon :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by! Following back now!

    ♥Nicole @ Me + the Moon

    1. I'm just wondering if he is really developing so fast or it's just me thinking that. I'm his mummy and every mummy wants to have a clever baby.

  6. widać po oczkach,że mądry i rezolutny chłopczyk rośnie
