Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Poorly baby

I woke up at 5:00 this morning by my baby crying in his room. He usually sleeps all the way through the night so I was a bit surprised by that. He couldn't settle for an hour so I took him to bed with me and that was a very wise decision. He started projectile vomiting at about 7:00 all over me, bed, floor, name it.... I couldn't call the Surgery until 8:00 (opening hours) and was on my own at home. Jacob looked so poorly and floppy without an energy to cry. it was like hell.
We are back home after seeing doctor. He didn't know what was the reason and told me to keep an eye on him... Hmm isn't it the same thing I'm doing every single day?
By the way, JJ is feeling much better now and even playing with his little tikes car.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Jacob's progress

Last week in Krakow my baby who used to lay on the back or front without moving much started sitting without any support and kneel holding in to the side of the bed. It's pretty scary for me, because I would never want him to hurt himself. I asked my husband to lower Jacob's bed at home. We came back home yesterday and I was really happy to find out that the bed have been already lowered. We have been away just for two weeks and he progressed so much. I noticed that he is looking at his old toys differently noticing little details (e.g. spinning wheels).

Monday, 22 October 2012


We are in Krakòw already for three days. I have to admit that I was a bit worried about Jacob sleeping in a new place. My sister lives in a small apartment near the centre and me and my boy share one room, while her and her husband with a newborn in the other one. So far he is good. He sleeps in his own quiet room at home, when no one interrupts him with a squeaky chair or a computer. I think that he is quite comfy in his cousins bed tho.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Summer in Autumn...

We had a gorgeous weather today. Our thermometer was showing 29 degrees in sun. I didn't prepare myself for such extreme temperatures. If I new I would have took my swimming costume and sunbathe in the garden. Instead of that we went to see my family and afterwards went for a walk to the forest on the mountain called Ćwilin and found some mushrooms. Jacob was so tired that he felt asleep on the way back. It's so gorgeous in here during autumn time. I loved all the warm colours seen for miles and miles... I wish we could stay here for longer. We had a BBQ not long time ago but we had to move and eat inside, because the temperature dropped to 7 degrees.


My little boy woke up at 7:30 and completely didn't know where he is. Instead of drinking milk he was looking around at everything in the room. I'm not surprised because he have seen this room only in the dark. My family got him so many toys, clothes, bed, high chair, baby walker, nice bedding and blankets....I could sit here and write till tomorrow because there is even swimming pool waiting for him when he comes for the summer holidays. They are so happy to see him. I can tell that they are really proud of him. I better take him to their bed now so they can play with him a bit while I'm takin a shower.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Relax in the mountains

We arrived today at the place where we can all forget about all our worries and enjoy being surrounded by nature. It was so cold tonight that we had the underfloor heating on, radiators on full blast and fireplace on in our house in the mountains. I just love it here. We already visited my grandparents who's house is about 5 minutes walk from ours and met my auntie, uncle and little cousins. I am looking forward for tomorrow. It's supposed to be 23 degrees. It would be a perfect weather for a family walk...

Saturday, 13 October 2012


We went on a little shopping trip to Next today. I got my boy the coolest jeans I've ever seen, a winter jacket, two tops and an awesome hat. I didn't have time to take proper pictures because we are flying tomorrow morning. That would have to do...
I'm so excited about tomorrow and also a bit scared that Jacob is going to cry all the way. I've got an extra seat booked next to me so at least I will have more space to manoeuvre. I would hate to annoy people sitting next to me. I better go to sleep now because I'm getting up at 4:30...

Friday, 12 October 2012

Crawling backwards

Jacob's favourite activity recently is crawling backwards on the floor. He is doing that and than gets really annoyed that he can't go any further because of the wall. Granny Teresa got him a baby walker yesterday. He didn't have a chance to use it properly yet. So far he was pushing himself backward and forward :) He loves it here. There is so many people to give him cuddles.

Oral health for babies

It's really important to prevent this gorgeous pearly teeth children have and establish good habits from an early age. We started brushing Jacobs teeth at the age of 4 months before his first teeth came out. We were using a bendy brush just to make him used to brushing and to clean his gums. We started brushing his teeth with a proper toothbrush and toothpaste at the age of 6 months and we do it twice a day.

He absolutely loves to clean his teeth. Just have a look at this video :)
And that's his first toothbrush.

3rd tooth

My little boy was in the bad mood all day yesterday. I new that his two top teeth are coming out, so I was applying teething gel on his gums all day long. Personally I'm using Bonjela for his sore gums. It is used to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with teething.It contains a pain killer which soothes sore areas in the mouth and an antiseptic, which kills bacteria and helps prevent infection. At the end of the day when I was applying gel after his afternoon nap I noticed that his tooth popped out.
We also had some visitors. Granny and granddad came over to play with litle Jacob. They are not going to see him for tho weeks.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


We went shopping today but I couldn't get everything I wanted because JJ I teething right now and he was really grumpy. I still got him a toy, two pairs of trousers for myself and a massive leather jewellery box. I just wanted to buy little travel jewellery case but this one was so big that had one inside so I bought both :)
Czy ktos z was wie czy w Polsce mozna kupic balony na narodziny dziecka napelniane helem? Jesli tak to prosze o podpowiedz gdzie mozna je znalezc. Moja siostra ma urodzic w przyszlym tygodniu, a jak to by wygladalo tak do szpitala bez balona sie wybrac... ;)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Suitcase packing

I started packing my suitcase for two weeks holidays. I have no idea what to pack tho. The weather is changing every single day and I have to consider my baby as a priority and pack the most clothes for him. We were suppose to have two weeks family holidays in Poland but my husband has to stay and work. Instead of taking 4 suitcases and a pushchair I ended up considering to take just one suitcase, changing bag with essentials for the journey and a pushchair. I can't take too much because I have no idea how I'm going to carry everything on my own. I'm already starting to stress a little bit. Jacob never flew before and I just hope he is going to be alright. By the way, does any of you know what's the weather going to be like next week in Poland? Do you guys have any tips about travelling with a baby?

"Jedziemy na wycieczke, bierzemy misia w teczke..."


You just have to see this video guys. That was taken few days ago when Jacob started laughing at an old Polish nursery rhyme "Clap your hands, we will go to grandparents...". He just couldn't stop laughing! How sweet is that?

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Godfather's birthday!

Because it was Jacob's godfathers birthday yesterday we prepared a special personalized card for him. We hope he liked it :)

Friday, 5 October 2012


I told you already about our holidays to Croatia but what I didn't tell you was that one of the reasons why we chose this location was distance to Venice which we always dreamed to see. If you are ever there all you have to do is get to the port and you can find so many different companies offering one day guided tours to all different gorgeous places including Venice. We had a really funny tour guide who spoke perfect English, German and Chroatian. We had a really fabulous time and found out so much details about Venice! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't been yet. It's one of those places you have to see at least once in your life.


I've tried some great products recently. They sell this lovely coffee milk in supermarkets. It's truly delicious!

Just don't drink it before you go to sleep like I did yesterday. I couldn't fell asleep until 3:30 in the morning

Today's outfit

We are being pretty lazy today sitting and playing at home. I've got so much cleaning to do. I never get anything done during the weekend because we always go somewhere and do something with my hubby or we have guests at our house. Have I mentioned that he doesn't like me cleaning? He thinks that I've got cleaning disorder because I can clean until 22:00 at night or later. I just think that there is always so much to do and I can't just sit and relax until everything is done. Man will never understand how much work needs to be done around the house. I bet some of you will agree with me :) Anyway, as I promised before I'm posting pictures of few things I bought recently and also today's outfit.

Skirt - H&M
Top - Primark
Belt - Peacocks

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Play area

Because Jacob can't crawl yet and sometimes loosing balance I prepared this safe play area for him, but he still prefers to wander off and tap our wood floors. I'm scared that he is going to loose balance and hit his head against hard surface so I have to supervise him all the time. He can already move around a bit.

My babies firsts

Today we started properly brushing Jacob's teeth with a dash of toothpaste. I didn't realize how important it is until I've seen video on bounty website. Jacob's teeth did not come out that long time ago but the only thing we were using so far was a little bendy brush for teeth and gums. Because Jacob eats two meals a day now we need to really look after his little pearly teeth so I got him a new toothbrush and toothpaste. We are using just a little tiny bit of toothpaste to not to cause fluorosis but prevent teeth from harmful acids. If you want some more info about how to care for toddler's teeth than you can find it here.
That's his new toothbrush and toothpaste

He also started drinking from a beaker. He is actually trying to do drink from it himself. He's got no experience because I'm still breast-feeding and he used bottles just few times before. How cute is that?
There is some useful video for you to watch about tooth care for babies.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Mini photography session

Me and my little boy had so much fun today. I wanted to take some pictures of my son and try my new camera lens. Photography have been my passion for a very long time but unfortunately that's all. I would love to do it as a job. It would be pretty awesome to do something what makes me smile but I never did anything in this direction. I never took any courses or been to any mentor sessions and I don't have equipment for thousands of pounds. I would like to share with you two pictures of my cutest and only model :)

Monday, 1 October 2012

Monday shopping

The first day of the week, the first day of the month and the first autumn clothes shopping. We went to town with Jacob to do a little shopping today. We bought some sleep-suits, 2 pairs of shoes and a top for mummy. I still need to find some nice warm hat, scarf, gloves and jacket for him.