That's the dress I am not sure about. I wore it to one wedding about 5 years ago. I know that I will never wear it again but I still don't want to get rid of it. There it is. Shorter on one side and lodger on the other. Should be worn without a brassiere.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Easter Saturday
I prepared a little basket my mum gave me year ago and decorated it with white ribbon. I didn't have enough space in the basket for all food I wanted but I still managed to fit cheese, sausage, 4 eggs, 2 chocolate eggs, pinch of salt and an apple. We went to church to bless the food and afterwords to Victoria Shopping Centre to sort out my new iPhone and buy some covers. I also bought some lovely lanterns for the garden table with glass in three colours. Each of them will shine differently :)
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
London 16-17.04.11
Last weekend we went to London to visit my cousin and his lovely wife. They visited us so many times that they said that if we are not going to visit them than they are not going to come any more :) Blakmail worked really well and we enjoyed ourselves very much. On Saturday we went to see Greenwich and Canary Wharf and the center.On Sunday we decided to go to see exhibition of real butterlies but we never got there. Instead we went to see St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, London Eye and watch London Marathon.
It was Palm Sunday so before we went to see St. Paul's Cathedral from inside we had to wait for the celebrations to finish. There were loats of children with palm leafs, a chorus singing autside cathedral and two donkeys which didn't really want to get inside the church.
Big Ben on Saturday
St Paul's Cathedral
It was Palm Sunday so before we went to see St. Paul's Cathedral from inside we had to wait for the celebrations to finish. There were loats of children with palm leafs, a chorus singing autside cathedral and two donkeys which didn't really want to get inside the church.
Millenium Bridge
I love the smell of honey roasted almonds and waffles in the air. It makes the atmosphere even more special and makes you belly scream from hanger.
Tower Bridge
It was the first time I went on the double decker bus in London. It is a great tradition and irreplaceable tourist attraction.
Later we went to a Chinks restaurant with view on the Tower Bridge. I had lovely noodles with prawns and sweet sauce.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Easter decorations 2011
Lato nadchodzi wielkimi krokami. Za niedlugo Wielkanoc, az ze w przyszly weekend jedziemy w odwiedziny do kuzyna ktory mieszka w Londynie, to musialam zajac sie przygotowaniami dzisiaj. Wyciagnelam moj koszyk na pisanki, ktory zakupilam w zeszlym roku w Polsce. Zakochalam sie w parce kroliczkow, ktore przyozdobilam plastikowymi pisankami i piorkami.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Natalie and Jamie's wedding
On Saturday I have been to the wedding of my husband's cousin. The bride looked absolutely amazingand reception and tables were decorated beautifly. It wasn't a church wedding so after the ceremony we moved straight in to the hotel gardens where we could have a glass of champagne or juice.
There is me and the bride
I loved table decorations. I am already thinking about using this idea on babies christening or my sisters wedding. I am terrible :) There is some pics for you to have a look at. Maybe they will inspire you too.
Instead of traditional cake couple decided to have a stand with cupcakes. It was as delicious as it looks.
All guests could write few words and wishes and hang them on the little tree.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Sunny day :)
It is absolutely beautifull weather today. I woke up quite tired because we had an important audit tomorrow but when the day went by i woke up a bit and decided to not to waste such a nice day. I went shopping thinking that maybe I will buy a new dress for the wedding we are going on saturday, but I bought everything apart from a dress.
cream jeans - Select - £20
black jeans - Select £12
Easter decorations
flowers - Peacock - £1.75 each
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Mother's Day
Obchodzimy dzisiaj w UK dzien matki. Jak to moj mezczyzna zwykle ma, to nic sensownego nie potrafil kupic. Musialam wiec wziasc sprawy w swoje rece i kupic tesciowej zestaw kosmetykow, piekny bukiet roz i lilii oraz kartke. Do tego zaprosilismy tesciow do restauracji na obiad.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Prima Aprilis - April Fools' Day
Pierwszys kwietnia w tym roku zaczal sie od nabrania naszego szefa. Jak codzien wybralismy sie na poranne spotkanie technikow na ktorym omawiamy wydarzenia i planujemy dzialania. Jeden z administratorow powiedzial szefofi, ze otrzymalismy dzis 6 zazalen odnosnie cial obcych znalezionych w wyprodukowanej przez nas firmie. Szef o malo co zawalu nie dostal. Podczas przerwy zostalam nabrana po raz kolejny podczas gry w pokera (taki nasz zwyczaj na urozmaicenie czasu podczas przerw). Kolega przed przerwa tak poustawial karty, ze ja mialam w reku flush, kolezanka 4 krole, jeden z kolegow 4 asy a drugi royal flush. Wszyscy obstawiali jak szaleni a po wylozeniu kart na stol wszycy wybuchneli gromkim smiechem. Usmialismy sie tez z jednego z managerow, krory zadzwonil do mojego szefa i probowal mu wmowic ze mamy pozar n jednej z hal. Szef jednak nie dal sie nabrac i odlozyl telefon. Po kilku minutach okazalo sie ze pozar nie zostal wymyslony, kiedy uslyszelismy coraz glosniejsze wycie syren nadjezdzajacej strazy pozarnej.
Ps. Zapomnialam dodac, ze nareszcie dostalam oczekiwana od tygodnia podwyzke :)
P.s.1. Czas na relaks po ciezkim tygodniu.
Ps. Zapomnialam dodac, ze nareszcie dostalam oczekiwana od tygodnia podwyzke :)
P.s.1. Czas na relaks po ciezkim tygodniu.
Clifton - 26.03.11
W zeszly weekend planowalismy sobote rano odwiedzili nas tesciowie a zaraz po ich wyjsciu zadzwinil kuzyn i oznajmil ze on i jego zona wlasnie sa w Nottingham i mozemy sie spotkac. Trenuje teraz druzyne dziewczyn z Londynu i przyjechali do Nottingham na jakies mistrzostwa.
Najpierw wiec pojechalismy do Clifton, zeby sie z nimi zobaczyc i poogladac gre a potem wybralismy sie do restauracji na obiad. Wszystko bylo pyszne a po wypiciu kilku lampek wina nie moglismy sie nagadac. Zaproponowalismy im wiec by zostali u nas na noc. Podrinkowalismy sobie wiec wieczorkiem przy dobrej komedii. Po ich wyjezdzie, kiedy myslelismy ze mozemy sie zabrac za nasze obowiazki i zakupy zadzwonili kolejni znajomi i oznajmili ze zaraz do nas wpadna. Cala niedziela zjeciala wiec jak z bicza strzelil.