Monday, 28 February 2011

We strarted decorating our home with the smallest room we have. We decided that we need the room for our guests, when they come over and stay for couple of days. We have got quite alot guest comming for more than a week, so the room have to be comfortable with lots of storage space. In my opinion blue and white are ideal - help to relax after a busy day.

What do you think about it?

Baby girl nurseries

I am already looking for inspirations and designs for our new baby nursery room. I know that it is a bit too early, but I want to choose the best one. Here is some of my ideas for girls room.

All the pictures were borrowed from the internet. For more inspo go to Design Dazzle website. 

Dzisiejszy obiad - szaszlyki z drobiu

Do przygotowania szalykow potrzebujemy:
  • piersi z kurczaka 600 g
  • 2 rodzaje papryk - czerwona i zolta
  • mozna dodac pomidory koktajlowe
  • pieprz i sol
  • przyprawa do drobiu  
  • patyczki do szaszlykow 
Moim zdaniem to najszybszy i najprostrzy przepis na przygotowanie szaszlykow. Kurczaka nalezy pokroic na kostki ok 2-3 cm2 i przyprawic pieprzem sola i przyprawa do kurczaka. Papryki kroimy w paseczki a nastepnie wszystko nadziewamy na przemian na patyki. Szaszlyki mozna skropic oliwa z oliwek po czym grillujemy przez 20 minut w temperaturze 200 stopni. Ja przy w tym samym momencie wkladam frytki do piekarnika, bo one rowniez wymagaja 20 minut na przygotowanie.

In my opinion it is the easiest recipe for shish-kebab. All you have to do is dice two chicken breasts, two peppers and stick them on skewers. You can sprinkle it with a bit of salt, pepper, chicken blend and drizzle with a little bit of olive oil. Grill it for 20 minutes in tepmerature of 200oC.

Thursday, 17 February 2011


Thanks God it's nearly friday. I am looking forward to the weekend. We are invited to the birthday party on Friday night and pub crowling on Saturday. I need some time to recharge my batteries after busy week at work. I dream about holidays somewere hot, but anfortunately I have no holidays left. All I can do right now is open an album with summer photos and dream about summer.